CIT (Counselor-In-Training) Program

Graduating campers are welcomed and encouraged to participate in our CIT program, where they enjoy the “best of both worlds” in that they are campers transitioning into roles of more responsibility. With the support and guidance of the CIT director and other Arrowhead staff, our aim is to prepare our CITs to be employed by Arrowhead the following summer while still providing fun and recreational camper activities. CITs will reach Arrowhead’s objectives by the following means:

  • Hands on learning by shadowing and assisting Arrowhead staff in a bunk of their preference
  • Observation of staff teaching and coaching techniques
  • Participation in activities, special events, trips, and meetings
  • Discussions/Info sessions with peers, mentors and supervisors
  • Evaluation, feedback, and assessment from peers, supervisors and self

CIT Info

All CITs and their parents will have a pre-camp meeting with our Head Director and CIT Director to review the program, as well as go over the expectations we have for them during the summer. CITs will receive their handbook and Arrowhead CIT t-shirts at this time. CITs are campers with limited counselor responsibilities. This is their time to work with and observe seasoned counselors, grow as individuals, learn crucial skills about caring for children and most importantly HAVE FUN as they do!!!

CIT Schedule

CITs will shadow Senior and Junior Counselors in a bunk during the daily activities of the day. They will especially assist and learn about setting and cleaning up lunch, as part of our “family-style” meal tradition our Junior Counselors help facilitate. After 5th period, they will then attend their club day electives, group activities, and have snack and swim. Every Monday, the CITs will have a morning meeting with the CIT director. The purpose of these meetings may vary but are essential to the structure of the CIT program in promoting the exchange of ideas and learning amongst the CITs. Guest counselors and directors will attend certain meetings to share their ideas and expectations and/or offer specific guidance on topics or situations as they may arise. Every Friday, the CITs will participate in team-building and leadership activities. The full schedule of these meetings will be part of the CIT handbook distributed at the pre-camp CIT meeting. Please follow the link below to view the full CIT schedule.

CIT Schedule


Every Wednesday, the CITs, the CIT director, and any additional support staff that may be necessary will take an Arrowhead vehicle on a trip. Some of these trips are recreational, i.e. Escape Room, river tubing, and amusement parks; and some are community service oriented; i.e. visiting a local nursing home, or helping out at the ASPCA. The aim of these trips is to provide the CITs with something special that regular campers don’t receive, as well as providing a well-rounded and enriched CIT experience. On trip days, campers will be required to wear their CIT t-shirts and abide by the Arrowhead CIT code of conduct. All trips are sponsored by Arrowhead, at no additional cost to the parent. A CIT trip schedule will be sent to parents at the beginning of the camp season.


Please click here to view our prices and our online registration link.

Mandatory CIT meeting date: Saturday, May 11th  at 10:30 am.

While CITs are considered campers and not employees, they will receive a modest stipend at the end of their session. They will also have the potential to earn tips from parents of the campers in their bunk.

While we give first choice to our graduating campers depending on space and availability, any teenager aged 14 or 15 wishing to be employed by Arrowhead must first participate in our CIT program.

No! All trips (including transportation and lunch) will be covered by camp. All field trips are timed to depart around 10 am and return by the end of the camp day in order to take camp transportation home. Exception will be last week Hershey Park trip with details to follow.

CITs will be asked to express TWO preferences of camp divisions they would prefer to work with at their pre-camp meeting. They will CIT for those two age groups, rotating halfway through the summer. If at anytime a CIT feels they are not comfortable with the placement, or the CIT Director feels the CIT would benefit from an alternative placement, changes will then be made.

We at Arrowhead have decided to implement a CIT program for 2 separate reasons:

  1. To provide our CITs with an extra year to experience the joys of being a camper.

    Our CITs will be able to participate in all activities that our campers currently do. This means that every day they will be participating in a Club Day of their choice, one scheduled activity and a free swim daily. CITs will also be able to participate in the camp show, overnight weekends, horseback riding and all other special events. In addition to enjoying camper activities, they will also have the added bonus of going on weekly off-site field trips.

  2. To educate our CITs into becoming a well-trained Junior Counselor the following year.

    Our CITs will be spending 5 periods a day with the bunk of their choice working alongside a Junior Counselor as well as the Head Counselor. Here they will learn all of our Junior Counselor responsibilities including how to set up & serve lunch, how to bond and form relationships with each child, how to work as a team, etc. They will also receive weekly trainings from our directors to help them during this transition year from a camper to a Junior Counselor.